I was not much of a theme park fan when I was younger, I went to a few smaller ones but I had never been to the big daddy, Alton Towers, until recently. Then, due to various circumstances I have been to Alton Towers three times in the last year! The First Trip I’m not going to lie, the first time we went as a family in June 2021 it was a bit of a disaster. We turned up without … Continue reading “Top Tips to make the most of a day at Alton Towers”
What to Pack for a Family Day Out – With printable list!
I was gifted a backpack, a top and a fleece by TOG24 to help me enjoy our days out this summer. All views and words are my own. This year, more than any other has been a time to explore our own country and enjoy some days out. With foreign travel still a difficult proposition, we spent a few days in Norfolk at the start of the summer holidays, and had some amazing days out at the beach and a … Continue reading “What to Pack for a Family Day Out – With printable list!”
How to have fun outdoors this Autumn
I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to get a bit harder to keep putting on a brave face. Luckily, we can still spend time outdoors, but I miss being able to head off anywhere I want or having ‘proper’ family days out or little trips away. If, like me, you’re slightly worried how you’re going to keep the kids occupied all autumn and winter with trips to the local park, this post is for you! I’ve got a … Continue reading “How to have fun outdoors this Autumn”
Escape the City: Great Outdoor Destinations That Are Easy to Get to From Liverpool
Liverpool is one of England’s best-known cities thanks to internationally recognised exports like The Beatles, Liverpool Football Club and David Morrissey. It was once the second most populated city in the nation, although its significance has declined slightly over the last century. It still remains in the top 10 (sometimes the top 5, depending on how you measure it) most populated cities in England, and plays an important role in attracting tourists to the region. Major sporting and cultural events … Continue reading “Escape the City: Great Outdoor Destinations That Are Easy to Get to From Liverpool”
Review: Paradise Wildlife Park
A couple of weeks ago we had our first proper day out as a family of four to Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire. We’d never been before, so it was a great chance to try somewhere new, plus it was a nice treat for Finn, who has not had as much attention as he’s used to since his little brother came along. We’ve all been rather cooped up lately as well, so some fresh air was very welcome! Our first … Continue reading “Review: Paradise Wildlife Park”
Highway Rat Activity Trail at Fineshade Wood
Finn loves a story before bed and The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson is a firm favourite in our house. In fact, I’m sure that he pretty much knows it by heart! I’ve spent a lot of time indoors this week, trying frantically to clear my desk before baby arrives, so we were all in need of an outdoor adventure. I’d seen that there was a Highway Rat trail at Fineshade Wood near Corby, so we set off for a family … Continue reading “Highway Rat Activity Trail at Fineshade Wood”
Preview: Timber Festival 6th-8th July 2018
Timber Festival is a brand new event on the summer calendar which will bring together music, forests, art and ideas into a brilliant weekend of family-friendly outdoor fun. Created by the National Forest Company and Wild Rumpus (the award-winning team behind the Just So Festival), Timber will take place at Feanedock, a 70 acre woodland site on the border of Leicestershire and Derbyshire, right in the heart of the National Forest. “An extraordinary new camping festival exploring the transformative impact … Continue reading “Preview: Timber Festival 6th-8th July 2018”
The Opening of Delapré Abbey & Celebrating 900 Years of History
Last week I, along with some other Northamptonshire bloggers and various local dignitaries, was invited along to the official opening of Delapré Abbey. We’ve visited many times before to explore the gardens and parkland, but up until now the Abbey itself has been out of bounds. After an extensive restoration programme, the building was opened last weekend and I got to take a look at all the hard work that has gone on behind the scenes. The Abbey was officially … Continue reading “The Opening of Delapré Abbey & Celebrating 900 Years of History”
How to visit Poland with a toddler
We’ve just got back from an extraordinary week of travelling around Poland. We were invited to a family wedding over there and I decided that, as it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, we should make the most of it. I knew very little before we left, and with hindsight I could have been better prepared (especially as we had a two year old with us), however we still had the most amazing experience. I thought I’d write about … Continue reading “How to visit Poland with a toddler”