If I’m going to buy gifts for family and friends during the holidays, I want to make sure that whatever I buy is going to get good use. That means I generally try to gift awesome outdoor gear to help them get outside. In this 2024 outdoor gift guide, you’ll find my gift recommendations for every kind of adventurer in your life – whether that’s hikers and backpackers, van lifers, car campers, outdoor chefs, powder chasers, adventurous parents, and more! … Continue reading “75 Best Gifts for Outdoor Lovers (2024)”
Day Hiking Essentials: What I Bring on Every Hike
What I love about day hiking is it doesn’t require a huge upfront investment in gear. A backpack, some good hiking shoes, extra layers, food, water, and a few safety items are really all you need. Maybe you’ve heard of the Ten Essentials for Hiking? This is a list of recommended items you bring on every hike that was invented waaaayyyy back in the 1930s. Obviously, the hiking world (and gear) has changed a lot since then, so what you’ll … Continue reading “Day Hiking Essentials: What I Bring on Every Hike”