I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to get a bit harder to keep putting on a brave face. Luckily, we can still spend time outdoors, but I miss being able to head off anywhere I want or having ‘proper’ family days out or little trips away.
If, like me, you’re slightly worried how you’re going to keep the kids occupied all autumn and winter with trips to the local park, this post is for you!
I’ve got a few ideas to make sure your autumn outdoor adventures are fun and enjoyable.
Get Booted and Suited
I’m going to start with the bad news. You are going to get wet and muddy. It’s inescapable in our climate, so you might as well embrace it.
First things first make sure everyone has at the very least a waterproof coat and a pair of boots. The kids both love their wellies and Ollie especially would wear his all the time if he could. It means that they can both jump in puddles to their hearts’ content.
It’s worth investing in good quality waterproofs if you can, as they can be handed down. Ollie is currently wearing Finn’s Elka waterproof trousers and his old Berghaus coat, which have both lasted really well.

I personally prefer to layer up the kids with long sleeve t-shirts and a fleece jumper (plus thermal base layer if it’s really cold), and then a light waterproof coat and trousers. I find this approach a bit more flexible and easy to layer up or down as the conditions change.
I also like to wear plenty of layers myself, plus a good quality pair of walking boots. At the moment I am sporting a pair of Hi-Tec Eurotrek Lite waterproof boots that I was kindly gifted. So far I have been really impressed, I’ll write a full review once I’ve tried them for a bit longer.
A good pair of boots to see you through the cold, wet months is a must
Ring the Changes
We’re lucky to live within walking distance of two large parks, but it can get a bit boring going to the same places all the time. Why not try out a different park instead? Maybe walk a little bit further or if you have a car, you could try somewhere a little further afield.
Last week I paid a visit to my sister and we tried out a new park
If you’re short of time or travelling isn’t possible, there are ways to make familiar places a bit more exciting.
Playing games like Granny’s footsteps or tag or even just exploring new parts of the park you don’t normally go to can make it seem fresh and new. Autumn is also a great time for a scavenger hunt, as there are so many colours, leaves and seeds to spot.
Autumn is also the perfect time to have a go at kite flying. Finn has been asking for ages, so we finally got round to getting a kite and giving it a go. We also got given a glider, which has provided lots of fun.
A kite provided hours of fun for us this week
Food to Go
Don’t just write off picnics as a summer thing, they can brighten up a cold outing in the autumn too. All you really need is a decent waterproof picnic mat (we love our PACMAT) and away you go!
You can bring a thermos flask with a hot chocolate or soup, or even use one to cook some hotdogs (we tried it, it works!). If you’re feeling a little more adventurous, why not take a back packing stove and cook yourself some food outside.
Taking a stove out to cook up some hot food is a great way to stay warm on autumn outdoor adventures
And of course, the best thing about getting outdoors in the Autumn, is that you can come back to a cosy house, snuggle up on the sofa and get warm in front of a boxset with a nice cup of tea.
The Hi-Tec Eurotrek Lite Waterproof boot is the official boot of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! I was gifted a pair to use for my outdoor adventures. I was not asked to write this post, but wanted to inspire everyone to spend some time outdoors this month.
If you need any further advice or inspiration:
The Layering System Explained-will show you how to stay warm
How to Hike with Toddlers- lots of tips for spending time outdoors with young children
Muddy Puddles (affiliate link) have a great range of outdoor clothing for children